Welcome to The Public Delivery Track

"O" gauge model trains, 2 and 3 rail: Atlas, Weaver, Golden Gate, Sunset/3rd rail, MTH, K-line, Williams, Lionel. We specialize in full scale models of the real railroads. We have "old, new stock" going back to the 1990's. "We know trains." Thanks for your business! You can email us at pdt212@gmail.com, or call 805-226-0320 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. PACIFIC TIME
The Latest News
Oct 17, 2024...
New Atlas arrivals...50' Hy-cube box cars...about half are here, the rest coming in Nov. Also former MTH SD45's are here. Invoices have been sent out for the items that are here. If u ordered the 50' hycubes and didnt get an invoice, we are waiting for the rest of the cars to get here.
New Lionel Arrivals.. Former Weaver single sheathed (wood) 40' box cars and a few other things I cant remember offhand.
MTH.... We announced Special runs of PRSL and Raritan River (ex-PRR GLc) sand hoppers.
New Atlas fall 2024 catalog items now available for pre-order..
Alco Century C-424's with P3.0, in 3 rail and 2 rail
New 73' Centerbeam flat cars. Never done in full scale sized O gauge before.
New PS5344 50' 1970's and later box cars.
New to Atlas, former MTH GP-30's
New road names and paint schemes...
"4180" 2 bay airslide covered hopper cars
52'6" gondolas
55' All-door box cars
and a Blast-from-the-past...Industrial rail bump-and-go trolleys.
Other special runs in the works...Atlas Strasburg USRA 2 bay hopper cars, Raritan River 40' box cars, and virginia and Maryland 40' box cars. Both the RR and V&M box cars were supposed to be 50 footers, but the ball got dropped on those, so we are doing 40' box cars in those roads to make up for it.
Sept 4th, 2024...
MTH announces more husky stack (double stack) cars. 4 car sets and individual cars.. TTX/CSX, BNSF wedge, CP, APL, and KCS.
Pre-ordered Raritan River 0-6-0's have been shipped. Just a few left for sale.
Aug 28th, 2024...
MTH....0-6-0 steam switchers are here..a few of the special run Raritan River ones left, plus one of the US Army ones. MTH Has a few of the other roads left too, so we can get them if someone wants. Also here are the railking scale FP-45's (NYSW, SF, GN, BN) , and we picked up a few CSX AC44's and a dash 8, and a few other diesels that MTH had in stock. Everything is up on the web.
MTH just announced this week the re-make of the NYCTA R-1/9's. D train, GG train and NYCTA museum train in the classic dark green, KK and QJ trains in MTH blue/silver, and a yellow M/W train. AFAIK..only 1 R-9 was ever painted in blue/silver, and I dont think these cars ever ran on the QJ train. I guess their could have been a short time that the R1/9's ran on the Jamaica EL. I also cont remember of the QJ was running after the Christy St connection opened.
Also just got artwork for our special run Raritan River and PRSL sand hopper cars. These are modeled after the PRR GLc hoppers. They have PRR GLc data on them, with just the railroad and reporting marks changed. They are up for pre-order on the web now too.
Atlas....Pre-orders for the summer O gauge catalog is Sept 4th .
See below (July news) for the items that are available to pre-order. More special runs in the works for Atlas.. We will announce when we have artwork and we know its a go.
Lionel.....Items that we ordered a few extra of from 2024v2, are available for pre-order on the website. Mostly the full O scale sized freight cars.
July 25th, 2024....
Atlas has just released their summer 2024 catalog. New items are as follows, and are availble to pre order here on the website.
Premier C44-9W. Diesel
Premier GP-38-2
Master line USRA 2 bay hopper cars
Master line 40' and 53' rebuilt well cars (double stack cars)
Premier Funnelflow modern stub sill tank cars
Premier Wreck crane and matching boom/idler/tool car
Premier 70' heavyweight passenger cars
Premier James E Strates Shows hwt passenger cars and flat cars with trailers.
New things that have arrived from manufacturers..
Lionel L&NE S-2 switchers, and some 2 bay offset hoppers
Atlas..17,360 gallon tank cars
July 10th, 2024.....
MTH...Railking Scale RS-1's announced for another run of production. This will include our special runs of Rutland and Maryland & Delaware. All the roads available are posted in pre-orders on the website. More of the F-7's have come in (NP, SOO). We have also been going thru a large amount of Rail King semi scale cars that has been in storage, and getting them listed on the web as we move them to a new location. Most of the box cars, tank cars and cabooses are listed... Reefers will be next. About 75% of the gondolas and flat cars with loads have been listed..with more of each to go. Last will be the covered hoppers....well, at least thats the plan..
Atlas...2 bay offset hopper cars will be arriving in a week or two, and some more of the former MTH streamlined passenger cars.
Lionel...We are closing out Lionel "Standard O", with most of whats here now listed for sale. Also going thru Lionel traditional sized cars from the 80's and 90's. These will be listed soon. New arrivals include the 2-8-0 consolidations, and some offset hopper cars.
June 13, 2024...
Arriving from Atlas today... 25,500 gallon tank cars, 40' steel reefers, and a few of the former MTH streamlined passenger cars. Extras of the tank cars and reefers are up on the web site now. Invoices will be going out today.
We are almost done invoicing 53' containers. SO far we have extras in CSX and CP. They are up on the website for sale. We have a few extra of the maxi 4 well car sets too, which are up on the web. Invoices have been sent out for the 17,360 gallon tank cars. Extras are up on the web...
Arriving from Atlas in 3-4 weeks will be former MTH 2 bay offset hopper cars, some more streamlined passenger cars.
MTH....They are moving to a different building down the street...so there's about a 2 week delay in shipping things right now. Arriving in 2-3 weeks will be the RK scale 0-6-0 switchers , including some of our special run of Raritan River. Also a smattering of Premier freight cars..I think cylindrical covered hopper cars and a few other things.
They also will be announcing later today another run of R50B passenger express reefers. Roads are D&H, REA, SF, CNJ blue comet, CNJ green, nand SP daylight. Pre-orders and others that we have in stock are here... https:
Lionel Legacy 2-8-0 consolidations have arrived. will be sending out invoices shortly. Expect there will be 1 or 2 extras of these. Also some 2 bay hopper cars.
ps..Rachel doing well so far.. her lungs are in better shape than we expected, kidneys still at about 1/3 of normal. I kidneys can get up to 50% of normal, we will be thrilled. Thx for all the prayers and well wishes over that last several months.
Our friend jake has been coming over for 3-4 hours a day and helping with trains and things, so we are slowly getting caught up. New orders have been getting out in 1 to 3 days.
June 1, 2024....
Atlas...53' containers are here, and shipping starting monday june 3. If you pre-ordered some and have not gotten an invoice, pls let us know. Extras will be up for sale on the website as soon as the pre-orders are all shipped.
Comet and Horizon passenger cars are here and mostly have been shipped. Extra Horizon cars are up on the web. Extra Comet cars will be up on the web as soon as a few unpaid invoices are resolved. The NJT comet cars are due soon, but may be delayed bc the boxes for the comet cars so far have been so flimsy, that many arrived here rather beat up. Ive been told they are working on new boxes.
E-8's have been shipped. We have no extras at this time. We do have some MTH E-8's in stock...They are the same engine, just cost a little less..
17.360 gallon tank cars are here, and shipped to those who have paid for their invoices. Again, if u pre-ordered and did not receive an invoice, let us know. Extras are up for sale on the web site.. https://www.publicdeliverytrac...§ion=product
Maxi 4 well cars have been shipped to all who have paid.....we have a few extras avbl on the website... https://www.publicdeliverytrack.com/search.php?search_query=Maxi§ion=product
If u want anything from the Spring 2024 atlas catalog, we may still be able to get orders in for the next few days. Please remember 2 railers...Atlas is re-manufacturing the Weaver 2-8-0 consoldation in 2 rail. The only 2 rail steamer annnounced for production in over 5 years.
Some F-7's have arrived, and extras will be on the web shortly. All the recent AAR 40' box cars, including our special run VTR and Green Mountain box cars. Also all the 36' reefers are here, including the Manschevitz wine , and our special run Falstaff in green.
2-8-0 consolidations are on the way, and a few hopper cars.
April 23, 2024....
Invoices for MTH RSD-4's, RS-3's, 36' reefers, and AAR box cars have gone out. All have been shipped except for the AAR box cars, which will ship on this thurday or friday. If you ordered one of these items and didnt get an invoice, let us know. If you received an invoice and havent paid it...uhhh...we really appreciate payment. It keeps the doors open.
Atlas Horizon/Comet Cars and the 3 section Maxi well cars, and some more F-7's and a few other things are arriving today. We will be getting it all sorted out during the week, and invoices will go out over the weekend, and shipping will start next monday.
Rachel health is slowly continuing to improve. Some days are better than others. My long time friend (and incredible actor and singer) Jake is back from LA and helping us get caught up, and will here regularly helping with shipping, phone calls, and emails.
Thanks again for everyones well wishes and support and patience over the last 3 months.
April 11, 2024...
Invoices for MTH D&M, and L&NE RS-3's will be going out this weekend. To be followed by invoices for MTH Premier AAR box cars in Vermont Rwy and Green Mountain Rwy, and Fallstaff reefers in green. All these items are here now. Also recent arrivals from MTH include Railking Scale SD-45's (CR, MRL, SCL, EL and ATSF), Ballantine and CP reefers, and AAR box cars in CN, Reading, B&M.
Arriving from Atlas in a week or 2 are more F-7's, Comet and Horizon passenger cars, 3 section Maxi 53' well cars, more 16 wheel depressed center flat cars, and 20,000 gal 4 compartment tank cars.
Atlas spring 2024 items are all now avbl on the website..60' passenger cars, russell snow plows, 40; 1950's/60's box cars with 8' doors, P42's in new schemes, GP-15's with smoke and DCS electronics, former Weaver 2-8-0 consolidations, some more Northeastern style cabooses, former weaver 50' composite gondolas, and new schemes for 40' wood reefers.
Special runs, tentatively will be NYO&W passenger cars, Lackawanna composite gondolas, and one yet-to-be-determined 40' box car. Maybe EL in tuscan/white, or a shortline that has a substantial following..that had 40' box 1950's/60's style box cars. (not 1930's box cars).
The last 2 months have been difficult on a personal level, but things slowly getting back to normal. Thx to all who have been patient with us, and for the well wishes for Rachel. She is home and on the mend.
March 11th 2024.. Spouse still in the hospital. Things look better than they did a week ago, but its a still a long road.
Im accepting orders now. Please, tho, try not to order more than 8 freight cars at a time. Its still a slow go here.
Atlas F-7's are now available, as well as a few extra SD70Ace's and ES-44's. Also Atlas premier bathtub gonds avbl, tho havent invoiced ppl for them yet. Im trying to get new arrival stuff up on the web for purchase.
Also my friend Jake, who helped with the train biz years ago, is moving back into the area...and will be taking a bigger role in the train biz. Hopefully we can get things back to normal around here.
March 1, 2024.... My spouse of 38 years is critically ill in the hospital, with kidney failure and pulmonary disease. The rigors of dialysis have been more than weak body can handle. Probably wont make it. It looks very grim. This will leave a HUGE whole in my life that I dont know if i'll be able to handle.
No shipping for a while. None of the new orders after feb 27th or so have had the credit cards charged. Thanks for your understanding.
Feb 8th, 2024.....
1. MTH RS-3's including our special run RS-3's and RSD-4's, will be arriving around Feb 20th. We will start sending invoices Feb 12th or so. There are some other MTH items coming at the same time, but not sure what at this time.
2. Recently arrived from MTH...GP-7s/9s, including our special run SP and Green Mountain.
3. Items that have recently arrived from Atlas...16 wheel depressed center flat cars, Magor steel cabooses, Northeastern Style cabooses, and some of the SD-70's. More of the SD70's and 20,000 gallon 4 compartment tank cars will be arriving in a few weeks.
Oct0ber 20, 2023....
Time flies when you're busy! Most recently....Atlas 40' and 53' single well cars are here. We have mostly the TTX verions in stock. Plenty of 40' containers here, some 53' left.
Also Atlas just put out their Fall 2023 O gauge catalog. All the items in the catalog are available for pre-order. This includes..
Premier SD-45's and F40's; 70' Premier gallery commuter cars..
another run of the 89' auto carriers, 50' high cube box cars, 8000 gallon "Beer Can" tank cars (in real RR names this time) , ACF Centerflow 3 bay covered hopper cars, PS4750 covered hopper cars, 42' coil cars, and bay window cabooses. Everything is being made in 3 rail and 2 rail, except for the gallery cars, which are 3 rail only.
Also recently in... MTH Billboards including our special run Bert and Harry Piels one. C-628's and 630's arrived in august. just a few of the special run LV snowbird ones left, and a few D&H and a few others here.
The Premier woodside cabooses arrived, including our special runs of Central Vermont, Rutland, and Raritan River. And Premier bay window cabooses, including our special runs of EL, and Southern Pacific. The SP is particularly nice.
Atlas RSD-15's arrived over the summer...They are really nice, and not nearly as expensive as some other comparable locos.
The Atlas (former MTH) P42's and amfleet cars arrived a little at a time, but they are finally all here, in all the 50th aniv varieties. Some are sold out, some we have 1 or 2 of.
Lionel..we have 2 pairs of E-8's left, and their are some of the new Legacy Camelbacks here, and a few 0-6-0's and the remake of the venerable Lionel 622 switcher, with Legacy and smoke, in several different road names. A few more PRR GLa hoppers arrived, and similar twin hoppers in other roads. These cars are REALLY nice and super detailed.
Thanks, beth and rachel. Lindsey got a new job, so she's not here much anymore. Its back to mostly just me again now..but at least the onslaught of new stuff has calmed down. Im getting down to LA to perform once in a while....hoping for more time for that next year. LOL
June 19, 2023...
As many of u may already know, I was in the hospital over the weekend for an emergency pacemaker insertion. Om doing OK, but cannot lift heavy things till July 1, and recovery just takes time. Your patience is very much appreciated. !!!!!
Meanwhile, there has been an onslought of deliveries from the manufacturers, and Im doing my best to get thibgs invoiced and shipped, but its just gonna take some time. Here's the plan...
1. We are now shipping Atlas 89' auto carriers, and we still have invoicing to do for some of them. It will be another week before they are all shipped. We also have a wait list , so if you're on the wait list, please stand by
2. Atlas RSD-15's and Half of the Amtrak P42's and Amfleet cars arriving next week. We will try to get invoicing done this weekend. The P42's and Amfleets will ship 1st, then the RSD-15's.
3. MTH RS-11's, and Bay window cabooses are here. Plan is send invoices for them next week, and ship the week after.
4. Shipping of daily website orders is about a week behind..just trying to stay even with things.
Thanks again for your patience.......Beth, Rachel, and Lindsey
May 1, 2023.....
Well, we finally made it back after 2 weeks in NJ. It was 90% work and 10% pizza and Wawa. We loaded 14,000 lbs of stuff on to a tractor trailer by hand. Not a whole lot of trains, just a whole lot of stuff, and a LOT of Lionel parts from pre-1985 or so. Not that im going to get into selling Lionel parts again...its was all just sitting in NJ, and we had to get it out of there. The trailer will probably get here this week, and it will take another 2-3 days to unload it.
Im alive, and we are starting sipping again now.. Thanks, everyone, for your patience.
The latest news in arrivals...
Atlas... Premier Wreck Cranes and boom tenders are on their way here. We will be sending out invoices shortly. 89' multi-max auto carriers will be here in about 6 weeks. By now I guess everyone as seen the spring Atlas O catalog. The 70MAC's, E-8's, 50'6" ACF box cars, 17,600 gallon tank cars, Berwick 60' hi Cube box cars, and the sanding towers are available for pre-order on te website.
MTH....on their way to us now...Roadside stands, VO-1000's, 50' gondolas, Gensets, SD24's, Railking tank cars, track, and a few other things.
Lionel... H15-44's, 100ton 3 bay hopper cars, SD40T-2's just arrived.
Obviously, we ave a HUGE backlog of orders to ship. Invoices for newly arriving stuff will start going out wednesday night.
Putting up new old stock on the web is also on the to do list....This will include MTH passenger cars, GGD passenger cars, MT 19th century cars, and eventually...lots of older railking cars....we have railking here new in box going back to 1998. Please dont ask if i have a certain item...I just dont know.
I'll do a separate posting about special runs tomorrow. We have a number of them on the way here, and new ones in the works that I will announce.
April 13, 2023....
Atlas Sunbeam bread covered hoppers, F40's, have been invoiced and mostly shipped. Same for MTH H10-44's. What is still available is up on the website.
MTH Double sheathed box cars...invoicing this weekend, shipping will start May 1st.
March 26th, 2023
MTH double sheathed box cars (including Rutand, Strasburg, and NWP), and H10-44's (including CNW and SP), are arriving approx April 1st.
Same for Atlas 36' reefers, the Sunbeam Centerflows, and i think the 2 bay centerflows. I think there are some more F40's in the pile too.
We will try to start getting invoices out tomorrow. Shipping we peobably start monday April 3rd.
Please be patient! We appreciate it.
March 7, 2023
MTH MP-15's have arrived, including our special run of MoPac, SOO (white/red/blk) Bethlehem Steel (PBNE) and Delmarva Central. Also MTH 60' flat cars with pipe loads are here.
Atlas...PS4427's and (former MTH) 3 bay centerflow covered hoppers, and NJT F40's just arrived.
Atlas 60' passenger cars, Atlas/weaver Pullman-Bradley coaches, and Atlas (MTH) 70' passenger cars have been restocked. MTH 70' passenger cars and GGD passenger cars will be restocked next, as time permits.
New Special run announcements...MTH 36' reefers in Falstaff (green) and Lone Star Brewing. Maybe another scheme Pearl Brewing too.
Also MTH RS-3's in L&NE and Providence & Worcester, RSD-4's in UTAH railway, and RS-1's in Maryland and Delaware and Rutland.
Hopefully there will be some Atlas announcements in about a month.
Feb 1, 2023....
New arrivals.....MTH Premier 36' wood reefers, including our special runs of Pearl Brewing, Oscar Mayer, Falstaff, and Washington Tomatoes. We are still getting invoices out for these.
Also the next run of these 36' wood reefers is available for pre-order..NYC/Manischewitz, CP/Canadian Apples, West India Fruit and steamship, and Ballantine (1960's graphics). Also we are sked to do special runs of Falstaff (green, different scheme), and Lone Star Brewing.
MTH Premier F-M H24-66 Trainmasters are here too. Our special runs are SP (Bloody Nose) and N&W (pre-1964 black/gold) . We also have a few of the Reading, CNJ, and Virginian ones here. They look GREAT!!
Atlas Scale test cars have arrived...2 rail and 3 rail. BN, CNW, CSX, NYC, CNJ, and NS.
Atlas All door box cars in 3 rail are here...all except BCOL...still waiting for those.
Atlas Russell snow plows are here....MEC, CN, MILW, DRGW
Lionel Rocket train booster sets arriving next week...just 1 extra available.
Jan 13, 2023...FWIW..Large storms in Calif this past week, took down some trees here, and quite a few fences. Spent past 4 days doing cleanup and storm repair. Shipments running 7 to 10 days behind. Trying to catch up. Thanks for your patience..
Jan 11, 2023...
New stuff here now..
Lionel...Husky stacks, 2 bay USRA hopper cars, 0-6-0 steam switchers, RS-27's. I may have a few F40 cabbages left over.
Atlas...Russell snow plows, Premier 40' PS-1's with 6' doors, All-door box cars.. Scale test carts will be here in about 2-3 weeks.
MTH...FM H24-66 Trainmasters, including our special runs of SP and N&W., 36' woodside reefers, including our special runs of Fallstaff, Oscar Mayer, Pearl Brewery, Washington Boro Tomatoes. Invoices for pre-orders going out thie weekend and early next week.
Special run announcements...we will be doing a special run of MTH premier Green Mountain RR and SP GP-9's. Black River GP-9's are still a possibility of enough ppl interested.
October 27, 2022...
Arriving from Atlas in about 2 weeks....
The much waited for 40' plug door beer reefers...Natty Bo, Ranier, Pabst, Schaefer, Old Style. We will start sending out invoices shortly.
The schlitz ones will not arrive till end of november. Also arriving end of nov...Penn Central GP40's and 40' PS-1 box cars with 6' doors
Also announcing our MTH special run Fresh Picked Sweet Corn, and Pure Maple Syrup roadside stands. They are available for pre-order.
October 20, 2022...
Atlas just unveiled their fall O gauge catalog.....
Here's the link. I'll be putting these items up for pre-order shortly
Quick summary...
ES-44's (former MTH, proto 3)
Fmr MTH Premier 3 bay hopper cars
Fmr MTH 16 wheel depressed center flat cars
Fmr MTH 20,000 gal 4 compartment tank cars
Fmr MTH Northeastern style cabooses
Atlas Master 3 section Maxi-IV well cars, and more 53' containers
Atlas Master 40' steel reefers
Atlas Trainman 40' hy-cube box cars
Also.....Atlas articulated auto carriers, 89" TOFC flat cars, and 50' flat cars with pipe loads arrived from Atlas. Not many extras..will be putting extras up on the web as dust settles.
MTH Premier 50' dounle door box car also arrived...including out special run SP paper loading box car and Unlettered tuscan broen box cars. They are just about sold out. I'll put the few extras up on the web as available.
August 28, 2022...
Nothing happens too quickly around here, but the Atlas 62' bulkhead flat cars have arrived. These are as nice as MTH premier, and at 59. a car, are one of the best bargains available in a current modern freight car. The have diecast fishbelly center sills, so plenty of weight.
In addition to the Atlas TTX, and GAEX cars, we did a special run of Southern Pacific, who had many of these for lumber service
We also have some extras of the 68' flat cars...TTX, DODX, and NS
We are starting to send out invoices for pre-orders today.
The articulated auto carriers have arrived also. will be working on these later this week. we have a few extras that will be up for salw
July 31, 2022...
Just arriving from MTH...Premier 40' single sheathed box cars, including our special run of Central Vermont. Also MTH premier 50' single door PS-1 box cars, GP-35's, and 50' flat cars with pup trailers.
Case lots of Atlas O Industrial rail and some trainman cars have been added to the "case Lots/clearance" section.
Lionel special sale price items have been added...mostly selected passengr cars and the former weaver baggage and RPO cars.
June 12th, 2022
Atlas Cylindrical covered hoppers and pines trainers (beer logos) have arrived. Will be getting out invoices shortly. Also a few more 50' high cube box cars.
Will be shipping out Pullman Bradley coaches this week. Still working on getting out orders. Some things are getting out in a few days...some of the bigger orders are taking 1-2 weeks...especially if i have to do truck changes.
More of the Lionel Strasburg woodside coaches have arrived, and Lionel SW1200's and SD-45's are due to arrive here tomorrow.
Nothing new from MTH, altho Ive picked up a few extra things they had around...like PRR and MoPac GP-35's, and some R40 subway cars.
The latest in special runs we are doing are MTH Premier Sierra Railroad VO-1000's and Central Vermont RS-11's.
June 2022...Just a quick update.
Most of the Atlas 50' high cube box cars have shipping, or are shipping june 1. Same for the MTH drop bottom gondolas. and MTH center cupola NE'rn cabooses.
June 2nd and 3rd will begin shipping Atlas GP-7's...then the Pullman-Bradley coaches, the airslides, wood reefers, and 33,000 gal tank cars.
Running about a week behind in shipping regular orders from the website...so please hang in there and be patient.
Have been buying up a TON of new-in-box stuff from cvlean collections and dealers. Who knows when I'll have time to start putting it up on the web, LOL.
May, 2022....the latest...
50' hy-cube box cars..most pre-orders hve been shipped. just a few left over...they are up on the website
GP-7s...just arrived here, shipping early june
Pullman-Bradley coaches...Just arrived here..shipping early june
33,000 gallon tank cars...ditto
40' Airslide covered hoppers....ditto
40' rebuilt wood reefers...ditto
EL and DLW cupola cabooses...most of the pre-orders have shipped. We have extras...available on this site
Unlettered red or brown cupola cabooses...avbl here.
MEC and C&EI steel drop bottom gondolas...shipping week of May 30th
Strasburg 64' woodside passenger cars
lots more new old stock here...getting it up on the web as time permits.
New special runs...
SP (bloody nose) H24-66 trainmaster
N&W (pre-1964) H24-66 trainmaster
SP (bloody nose) H10-44 FM switcher
CNW H10-44 FM switcher
MP-15's..MP, SOO, PBNE, Delmarva Central
Sunbeam Bread centerflow covered hopper
TONS of new items available for pre-order from Atlas and MTH..and even Lionel
Behind in shipping new orders as usual...please be patient. everything will get shipped.
Feb, 2022... OMG so much going on.
FIRST....Im behind on shipping by about a week. Trying to get caught up this weekend. Your patience is appreciated.
MTH.... Just arrived....36' wood side reefers. will be shipping this weekend. Also SW1500's are here. Will be trying to get invoices for pre-orders out this weekend.
Also arrived earlier this year...2 bay fishbelly hopper cars, including special run Clinchfield and NYO&W. Also double stack cars and 60' flat cars with trash containers...and some 40' and 50' box cars. These are all up here for sale.
Taking pre-orders...Premier 40' double sheathed box cars...including special runs for Rutland and Strasburg. Also a special run of SP paper loading service 50' double door box cars
Atlas...Here now...some of the former MTH premier 70' passenger cars, GE 44 tonners, 2 bay offset hopper cars, and 40' PS-1 box cars...and the 50' high cube box cars will be here within a month.
Also about 200 new older Atlas freight cars are here..still sorting thru..and still slowly putting them up for sale.
Special runs up for pre-order....SP 62' bulkhead flat cars, Magor Cabooses in IHB, TRRA, and MoPac, and a 50' centerflow covered hopper car in Sunbeam Bread.
Lionel....Just got a few extra EL and D&H PA-1's in. Most recent arrivals have been some gondolas, and the 60' bunkerless reefer "Beer Cars"
The Lionel 2022 catalog....I ordered extras of some things..so there are still Lionel 2022 catalog items available for pre-order.
Nov 30th 2021...
New PDT exclusive special runs available to pre-order now.
MTH Premier SP Bloody Nose F-7's
MTH Premier SP "Paper loading service" 50' double door box cars
Atlas SP 62' bulkhead flat cars
Nov 30th 2021..
Atlas just announced the following in a O gauge catalog release this AM..
Here's the quick and dirty...
P42 Genesis diesels (fmr MTH Premier)
F40 Diesels (fmr MTH Premier)
Amfleet passenger cars (fmr MTH premier)
Atlas Master Line F-7's
Atlas Trainman Magor cupola cabooses
Russell snow plow (fmr MTH premier)
50' 3 bay centerflow covered hopper (fmr MTH premier)
55' All door box car (fmr MTH premier)
Heavy duty wreck crane and tender (fmr MTH premier)
Scale test car (fmr MTH premier)
a number of former railking accessories
The official pre-order date is jan 19th. It will take me some time to get these things up for pre-order on the website.
Here's the link to the online catalog
Recent arrivals....
Atlas 8000 gallon tank cars including our GATX special run
Atlas 40' wood beer reefers
Atlas Magor cabooses
MTH Flat cars with trash containers
MTH 40' PS-1 box cars
MTH SW-1 diesels
MTH RS-3 diesels
MTH double stack cars
Lionel Camelback steam locos
Lionel 52' gondolas with covers
and other stuff Im forgetting
July 7, 2021... Lots has been happening.
New arrivals..MTH BNSF 25th aniv ES-44's. Just a few left. Also MTH Army flat cars with rocket launchers, and some box cars and covered hopper cars.
Atlas Bay window cabooses are here, and 40' containers including our special run of Pasha Hawaii, Dong Fang, and Yang Ming.
New announcements for pre-order.
RS-1's in 4 road names, plus our special run of M&E and BR&W.
4 road names of 2 bay fishbelly hopper cars, plus our special run of NYO&W and Clinchfield. We will also have some Lackawanna ones available.
40' Steel drop bottom gondolas in 4 road names, plus our special run of Maine Central and C&EI
36' woodside reefers. 4 road names plus our special run of Ortliebs (of philadelphia)
Plus we have just a few special run EL (black and yellow transition scheme) RS-3's and GP-9's still avbl for pre-order.
The biggest news is a new car...new tooling....89' auto rack...super detailed. 6 road names iirc.
Also from the MTH premier tooling....
- Offset 2 bay hopper cars,
- 50' High Cube box cars
- 50' 2 bay airslide covered hopper cars
- 40' PS-1 box cars
- "beer can" tank cars (in beer can schemes)
- 70' Heavyweight passenger cars
Getting older plus current Williams engines are up on the web, with more to be added. Have gotten back into williams engines again, cause they just run. Nothing fancy, but easy to deal with. Carrying just the ones that are full scale size, not the semi-scale items.
WOODLAND SCENICS....This is great super deatiled stuff, and I've got the full line of built up buildings, and trackside and roadside figures and accessories up on the website for sale.
And as usual, adding more NOS from MTH, Lionel, Weaver and Atlas as time permits.
May 24, 2021...
Atlas O Trinity 5161 covered hoppers are either here on on the way. It was a split delivery. We will have just a few extras, which will be up on the web after the pre-orders are filled. Atlas 40' containers, including our special runs (Pasha Hawaii, Dong Fang, & Yang Ming) will be here end of june.
Woodland scenics...Have full assortment of Woodland scenics buildings, people, and accessories now in stock.
Other figures and accessories...Took a long time to get it all together, but now have a good assortment of MTH, Lionel, Model Power figures, telephone poles, fences, etc. available. Add all the stuff that makes your train layout look like real life....
MTH..more auto carriers, fishbelly hopper cars, and covered hopper cars are here. Stuff keeps arriving a little bit at a time.
New old stock....There's still about 5 pallets worth to go thru. Its a long tedious process. Also planning on getting some more NOS Atlas engines up on the web, and go thru a lot of Weaver engines. Mostly conventional operation SD-40's, Alco centuries, sharks, and E-8's. There are also a number of proto 1 weaver engines here, but I wont list them without testing them 1st.
April 20, 2021....
Here's the latest..
Woodland scenics electrical substations just arrived today. Invoices for pre-orders will go out tonight. Like all Woodland Scenice stuff, its super cool. Utility poles not here yet. Dont ask me when...but im guessing within a month.... Lionel and MTH utility phone poles are here...need to get them up on the web.
Lots of Lionel roadside accessories arrived this past week. Hoping to get them up on the web this weekend. (I get some help this weekend, YAY) They are all nicely detailed.
New Lionel GP-7's...have 1 maine central, and 2 T&P.
A few 2 rail MTH C40-8's arrived...NS, CSX, Pan Am
New MTH special runs..... No artwork yet...but we are on the books for the really nicely detailed 40' steel drop bottom gondolas..MAine Central in Green/yellow. and C&EI in that C&EI orange-ish-tuscan, with the big C&EI letters. Also NYO&W hopper cars in the last scheme they had, which afaik, has never been done. O&W emblem in the middle of the car. Wood side drop bottom gondolas we are looking at 2022...SP&S and O&W.
Atlas....Artwork arrived for the 40' international containers...Pasha Hawaii, Dong Fang, and Yang Ming. They will be going into production shortly. 8000 gallon GATX tank cars should not be far behind. The latest im working on with Atlas is 50' composite gondolas with drop ends....Lackawanna, and T&P. Also working on 6 more grain coop PS4750's...follow up to the pink ones....
Troop sleepers and converted troop sleepers. what we got from Atlas was a lot less than what we really need..but all pre-orders are covered. The dust should settle here shortly, and I'll put what ive got left up on the web.
Need to get orders out of here now. and put new arrivals into stock, and mow the grass and put up some fences that blew down in the wind....and on and on...
March 26, 2021....
Now here from Atlas...PS4750's, including out special run of the pink Coop grain cars. Also here are the latest evans 53' double plug door box cars.
On the way...the next group of Troop cars and the Trinity 5161 covered hopper cars
MTH special runs.....
Now taking pre-orders for our special run of MTH RS-1's in Morristoen and Erie, and Black River and western.....and a special run of SW1500's in IHB and TRRA.
MTH special run Freight cars in the works..
Premier 36' wood reefers in Piels (the Piels brothers), and Ortliebs
Premier 40' woodside drop bottom gondolas in NYO&W
Premier 40' Steel drop bottom gondolas in Maine Central
Atlas announces production of 70' Heavyweight passenger cars
Atlas announced this week they will be making the former MTH Premier Heavyweight Passenger Cars to match MTH's announced Premier Pacifics. Obviously , u dont have to have a pacific to run them...LOL. There will be coaches , RPO's, Baggage cars, Dining cars, combines, and observation cars . If similar to Atlas's past production, the cars would be available individually. IDK...just sayin.
Delivery estimated for this fall. I'll have them available for pre-order as soon as we have pricing.
Announced were:
- Reading Blue Mountain & Northern
- Reading Blue Mountain & Northern (Lehigh Gorge Scenic Railway)
- U.S. Army
- Gulf, Mobile and Ohio
- Baltimore & Ohio
- Boston & Maine
- Pennsylvania
- Southern - Green and Crescent
- Pittsburgh & West Virginia