Overview Product Description Weaver Chicago Great Western /CNW (green) 34' PS-2 Covered Hopper New in Box special run, not cataloged CNW colors, CGW reporting marks Scale sized 34' covered hopper Road number may be different than pictured. Sharp Factory paint and lettering. Weighted car (not overly light, like some early weaver cars) 3 rail or 2 rail...PLEASE SPECIFY...Comes with Weaver plastic trucks/couplers (3 rail has metal wheels) for 3 rail Weaver diecast trucks and couplers...$19.95 additional. for 2 rail Weaver diecast trucks and couplers...$24.95. additional. Questions? Call us at 805-226-0320 or E-Mail us at pdt212@gmail.com. Product Videos Custom Field Product Reviews